Kimi no Na Wa – Your Name

Oggi è l’ultimo giorno per poter assistere alla proiezione di Your Name, il capolavoro di Makoto Shinkai, autore de Il giardino delle paroleLa voce delle stelle.


Mitsuha e Taki sono due adolescenti che nei loro sogni si scambiano le rispettive esistenze: quella dell’esuberante Mitsuha, trascorsa nelle tradizioni e nei rituali di una isolata comunità rurale che le va sempre più stretta, e quella del più timido Taki, trascorsa nella frenetica Tokyo tra il liceo e il lavoro in un ristorante italiano. Il filo che intreccia i loro destini ad un certo punto li porterà di fronte ad eventi epocali e a delle scelte drammatiche, in un crescendo di rivelazioni e di emozioni.

Campione di incassi in Giappone, il film grazie ad una sceneggiatura coinvolgente che ne aveva fatto un probabile candidato all’Oscar e all’impressionante realismo delle scenografie, è già una pietra miliare del genere sekaikei e del cinema di animazione mondiale.

Tutte le informazioni su:

A proposito di manga

Domani alle 18 presso la Biblioteca di Monfalcone si terrà l’incontro “Nuvole nere e Nuvole Bianche. La graphic novel ed il manga a confronto”, con un mio intervento sulla storia e la sociologia del manga dalle origini al 1995. Ingresso libero.

fumetto (1).jpg


36 years of Harajuku fashion

Immagini – Halloween in Giappone

Studiare (da) Giapponese Halloween in Giappone, anzi, ハロウィン haroowin, non poteva essere banale, vi pare? E infatti non lo è. Ma d’altronde non poteva non essere un evento commerciale, e infatti lo è: nel 2014 i proventi legati ad Halloween (110 miliardi di Yen, circa 830 milioni di Euro) hanno superato quelli di San Valentino […]

Back to the Future


“Strade? Dove stiamo andando non c’è bisogno di strade”


Chi non vorrebbe una macchina del tempo per viaggiare nel futuro o nel passato? Marty McFly, il protagonista della trilogia cult movie Ritorno al Futuro, esattamente 30 anni fa aveva scelto di viaggiare nel tempo fino ad oggi, 21 ottobre 2015. Il film è stato (con E.T. e I Goonies credo), uno di quelli in grado di segnare per la vita chi in quegli anni era bambino, e in genereale di tutti quelli per cui il 2015 sembrava davvero un futuro lontano fatto di skateboard volanti. Poi in effetti questi anni 2000 non sono sto granché. Io farei volentieri cambio, e andrei a farmi un bel giro nel 1985!! Ho sempre pensato che gli anni ’80 siano stati uno dei decenni più interessanti nella storia dell’umanità (e sicuramente quello con la musica  migliore). Voi che data impostereste sulla DeLorean e perché? Mentre…

View original post 131 more words

Long Live Cosplay

Can you stop doing cosplay ? Yes, but you can’t stop thinking about it.

stella ssj stellassj cosplay miku vocaloid miku hatsune miku knife

This year for the first time in six years I will not be at the Lucca Comics, the biggest cosplay convention in Italy. For me it is a great renunciation, but I had to choose to deal with more important business: this summer I had the opportunity to study, work and give lectures in important European Universities: this took times, energies and all my concentration. Soon I will leave again cause I’m invited for another Visting Research Stay abroad. I’m also trying to ending and publishing my book on Apocalyptic Imagination in the Movies (in Italian of course! As you can read, my English is not so good). Although I’m strongly disappointed with Italian University (shame on it!) and do not want to have anything to do with in the future, I want to finish the research I started cause I really care about it. I also should study a lot to improve my English and the point is I love to study foreign languages, but honestly till I’m Italy I’m tired to make endless and useless efforts! Here no one care if you can speak English, here the main point is: “Are your relatives politicians in the majority party?” If yes, you get the job. If no, your curriculum is totally useless. But dear foreign readers, I promise you we will make a big change in this system!
But EHM… SORRY, this is a cosplay blog! Let’s go back to our subject! What will I do in next months. I would like to sell some of the costumes and wigs (let me know if you are interested in something), but I also need to make new photosets! In particular I would like to take some good pictures with different characters, as Nina Wlliams, Benten and this one: Miku Knife! This picture was made last year by my best friend outside our hotel near Lucca.
At which point is your cosplay life? In the start, the middle, of at the end?
I usually say that cosplay is not a job or a relationship you can quit. It is a passion for life. So I will forever go on with this passion although I will not wear costumes anymore.

Long live cosplay!

Merry Christmas! メリークリスマス!


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Use your Illusion

stella ssj stellassj stella marega hair haircutstella ssj stellassj stella marega hair haircutstella ssj stellassj stella marega hair haircut

Let it take you where it may We live and learn and then sometimes
It’s best to walk away
Me I’m just here hangin’on
It’s my only place to stay at least
For now anyway
I’ve worked too hard for my illusions
Just to trow them all away
stella ssj stellassj
Photoset by Normann Vauxhall
Editing by me

The Wind Rises

 The wind is rising! We must try to live!

Si alza il vento Miyazaki Stella ssj

Did you seen The Wind Raises?

I found it wonderful, it made me reflect about many things… definitely one of the best movies of recent years.

Which is your favorite movie of Miyazaki?

My favourite one is Spirited Away ❤

Souji Okita – Far East Cosplay

Since long time I would have to upload here the pictures of my Souji Okita cosplay at the last Far Est Film Festival – Cosplay Contest. The week after the contest I went to Germany for three months (for a research stay at the L.M.U.) It was a great experience, but obviously I did not have very much time to update this blog in last times. So, this will be just a fast emergency-post to recover!

Stella ssj cosplay italian souji okita

The night before… all is ready…

Here some shots from my exibition:

udine far east souji okita cosplay stella ssj

Photo by Marc Turchetti

udine far east souji okita cosplay stella ssj

Photo by Marc Turchetti

udine far east souji okita cosplay stella ssj

Photo by Marc Turchetti

udine far east souji okita cosplay stella ssj

Photo by Giovanni Toffoletti

udine far east souji okita cosplay stella ssj

Photo by REPel

udine far east souji okita cosplay stella ssj

Photo by REPel

udine far east souji okita cosplay stella ssj

Photo by Werner Northman

udine far east souji okita cosplay stella ssj

Photo by Monica Medves

udine far east souji okita cosplay stella ssj

Photo by Monica Medves

udine far east souji okita cosplay stella ssj

Photo by Marc Turchetti

Here after the Contest with all the other amazing cosplayers:

Cosplay Contest FEFF

souji okita cosplay stella ssjI did a great photo shoot that day, thanks to amok@photo! You can find it here

souji okita cosplay stella ss

udine far east souji okita cosplay stella ssj

With a super cute cosplayer and so kind girl!!

Photo by Salvatore x Nova Ludica

Photo by Salvatore x Nova Ludica

stella marega stella ssj cosplay udine feff

Little memories

Here you can find a short resume of the contest with all the cosplayers:

I have already thanked all for all the kindness and the company but I want to repeat here: thanku guys for such great day!!


… and that’s all!

udine far east souji okita cosplay stella ssj

Photo by Dalisa Poletto

Motoko Kusanagi – photos from Lucca Comics 2013

Finally I received some new photos of my Motoko Kusanagi cosplay at Lucca Comics! Here just a few of my favourites:

Photo by: Adaman

Photo by: Adaman

We weep for the blood of a bird, but not for the blood of a fish.

Blessed are those with a voice.

If the dolls could speak, no doubt they’d scream: “I didn’t want to become human.”

(Major Motoko Kusanagi, Ghost in the Shell – Innocence)

Photo by a Policeman

Photo by a Policeman

Photo by: Adaman

Photo by: Adaman

Photo by: Terzo Occhio Foto

Photo by: Terzo Occhio Foto

Photo by: Terzo Occhio Foto

Photo by: Terzo Occhio Foto

What do you think? Unfortunately I took a few photos that day and I never found half! Since Motoko is absolutely one of my favourite carachters, I will do a lot of pictures in the next future and almost one new costume from Ghost in the Shell – Innocence.

I have “the perfect photoset” in my mind but at the moment I content myself with those!! I like them very much… expecially the first and the next! See you soon 😉

Photo by a Policeman

Photo by a Policeman

Ghost in the Shell Night

Finalmente sul grande schermo Ghost in the Shell, l’anime capolavoro di Mamoru Oshii tratto dai manga di Masamune Shirow! Martedì 11 e mercoledì 12 marzo saranno gli unici due giorni in cui sarà possibile partecipare alla maratona – evento:

Ghost in the shell anime night stella ssj cosplay motoko kusanagi

Ghost in the Shell sarà proiettato sul grande schermo nella sua versione 2.0, quella cioè ri-editata dal regista stesso in formato HD nel 2008 e proposta con un nuovo doppiaggio impreziosito da un audio multicanale. La Maratona comprende poi il sequel del film, Ghost in the Shell Innocence, che nell’anno dell’uscita partecipò al Festival di Cannes.

Ghost in the shell anime night stella ssj cosplay motoko kusanagi

Sul sito troverete anche l’elenco delle sale cinematografiche dove si terrà la maratona. L’inizio è previsto intorno alle ore 21 e la proiezione dura 183 minuti. Consultate la programmazione del vostro cinema per conoscere gli orari esatti. Il costo totale per l’intera serata è di 12 euro.

Il prossimo appuntamento sarà mercoledì 2 aprile, quando verrà proiettato Ghost in the Shell Arise:

Ghost in the shell anime night stella ssj cosplay motoko kusanagi

Gli appuntamenti successivi saranno poi con Space Battleship Yamato, il 15 e 16 aprile, e Il Giardino delle Parole, il 21 maggio. Tutti i film saranno in versione digitale 2K, con audio PCM surround 5.1.

Chi ci sarà?

Souji Okita – I’m ready


Character: Souji Okita 沖田 総司
Anime: Hakuouki Hekketsuroku 薄桜鬼 碧血録
Cosplayer: Stella Ssj
Photography: Stella Ssj

My Souji Okita cosplay is arrived! This time is not hand made stuff but this is an original costume from the japanese seller ACOS (here you can find a review of the store). Truly I bought it from a kind Italian cosplayer. The costume is wonderful. I should style the wig now and find two black katana. Maybe I found the right location for the photos. Stay tuned!

Souji Okita Istant Cosplay

Whether I live a long or short life, there are only a few things I can actually do. I will kill any who oppose the Shinsengumi. That’s all I can do. That’s especially true if I’m going to die soon. Staying here means the world to me.

Character: Souji Okita
Anime: Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan
Cosplayer: Stella Ssj
Photography: Stella Ssj


Souji Okita is one of the main characters in the series Hakuouki.
His story is unique, his life is marked by a disease that is going to lead him to death. I immediately loved this character since the first episode, his bitter irony, his fake arrogance, his deep humanity and his willpower …
I retrieved the wig from the Uruha cosplay (which was exactly the Okita’s wig (!) in which I added the blondes extension blondes! Such extension, however, were sewn very well and remove them was an hard job.) For the moment this istant is done with cotton fabrics used as kimono and my old Katana that I had bought for Kakashi.

 Now I have to style the wig and I’m waiting for the costume (the uniform of the second series version), that will arrive in next days.  I’m really anxious and I’m thinking about how to organize a suitable photo-set.

Stay in touch … and in the meanwhile:


Celebrity Skin – Photoset

A few weeks ago I’ve tried to organize a small photoset in my living room… using as backdrop some musical instruments of my boy-friend. All this has nothing to do with cosplay, but I hope you’ll enjoy it anyway!
Ah, this time, as for the Saori photo-set, the pictures are self-portraits.
The hardest part was to set the lights: as you can see the shadows are very strong. About the “out of focus” I like the result pretty much… what do you think?

Stella Marega stella ssj italian cosplayer photographer fotografia
Stella ssj Marega

Stella ssj Marega

Stella ssj Marega

The pink color on my hair was made with Kiko hair-shadow.

If you want to know other details about the outfit (even if I think that brands are not so important cause this is not a fashion blog XD ) and about the instruments here you can find them:

T-shirt: Primark
Jeans: Bershka
Grey sleeveless sweater (wool and fake fur): Joyx
Shoes: Roberto – Zagreb
Headphones: Panasonic
Guitar: Peavey
Bass: Fender

Let me know what you think… bye bye

Stella Marega stella ssj

All comments and suggestions are welcome 🙂

Space Pirate Captain Harlock – 宇宙海賊キャプテンハーロック

space pirate captain harlock 3d stella ssj cosplay

Year 2977. The universe is populated by 500 billion human beings, descendants of those who were exiled from the planet Earth. The Earth, which everyone considers “home”, is now controlled by Gaia Sanction, a supranational and dictatorial entity that governs the whole human race, and has been transformed into an inviolable sanctuary.

The spaceship Arcadia, commanded by Captain Harlock, has become the last hope of freeing humanity from the yoke of Gaia. The Coalition is organizing a project of sending an infiltrate into the space to assassinate Harlock. The chosen one to make this difficult task is the young Yama, brother of the Coalition’s leader Ezra.

This is the the background on which the new adventure will start.

The film is directed by Shinji Aramaki and based on the screenplay of Leiji Matsumoto, which nevetheless did not take part in the making of this film (and in my opinion it feels much the lack). It will be the Toei Animation’s highest production budget ever at the equivalent of over 30 million U.S. dollars.

The official relase was on 7th September 2013, but only on 1st January 2014 the movie was finally released in Italian cinemas. As I am a huge fan of Harlock since the 80s, I could not miss it. Then, this is my short review.

The best part of the movie is for sure the superb graphic rendering of the scenes, especially the base of Gaia on terraformed Mars, the Nami’s greenhouse and more than all the Arcadia spaceship, that moves into the space enveloped by a blanket of black smoke.

Spectacular visual effects, dark atmosphere, and that word we know well: freedom. The animation of the characters remind of the two “Final Fantasy” movies, while some scenes of combat on board the spaceships look a bit like Star Wars – Attack of the Clones.

Personally, the story did not convince me at all: the dialogue is a bit rambling, the psychology of the characters is not very thorough, Harlock is always in the background.

It also lacks a strong ideal impetus, perhaps is too faint the “revolutionary” message that in the original series was much stronger. A great science fiction movie, but a little  far from nostalgic and touching stories of Leiji Matsumoto.

In the end, I totally agree with the review by Richard Eisenbeis (maybe the best I’ve found lately but attention: it contains spoiler!)

harlock stella marega ssj kei yuki cosplay

stella marega ssj harlock cosplay

Anyway, if you just want to take some suggestion for your next cosplays… this could be the good opportunity XD

Let’s take a look at the characters from the classic series:Stella Marega ssj Space Pirate Captain Harlock

And to the restyling for the movie version:

stella marega ssj harlock cosplayHere more in detail the main characters:

Mimay and Harlock

Mimay and Harlock

Logan with the Arcadia's membership

Yama with the Arcadia’s membership

Ezra and Nami

Ezra and Nami



Tori and Harlock

Tori and Harlock

Kei Yuki

Kei Yuki

What do you think about Kei Yuki new version? Someone told me I resemble her… may it be true?

kei yuki stella ssj cosplayAlthough much preferred the old version, I think that in fact this Kei Yuki look like me a lot more. In the meanwhile, I’m searching for the red-purple lycra… 🙂


It is not a secret that Saint Seiya is my favorite anime of all time. Despite this, Saori – Athena has never been one of my favorite characters, and this is the reason why this cosplay is really a challenge for me!
The immagine is a self-portrait, and it is also part of a photographic project that I would like to develop in the future with othe carachters. I tried to realize a “glossy” image, as if being on a fashion magazine and not on a cosplay blog… and I’m quite proud of it!
What do you think?

lady isabel stella ssj cosplay italian saori saint seiya female photography wig purple

#selfportrait #saori #saintseiya #stellassj

Lucca Comics & Games 2013 – Report

Lucca comics games 2013 stella marega ssj cosplay

For me this Lucca Comics & Games was a little different from previous years: a few stands, a few photos , and a few meetings … but it left me some beautiful memories, three days of complete and utter thoughtlessness in a period a little hard. Three days of smiling people, funny talks, long walks, nice evenings … and wake up late in the morning 😉
Lucca comics games 2013 stella marega ssj cosplay ferraraOn Friday we did a bit of tourism, during the 500 km that separate us from Lucca we decided to stop in Ferrara, a wonderful italian city. We did a visit to the Ducal Palace and saw the frescoes damaged by the earthquake (very impressive!). In the evening, after the surprise of the unexpected change of hotel (very favorable), we made a reconnaissance tour of the city of Montecatini. In the end, we spend all the day out of Lucca!! XD
Saturday greeted us with a heavy rain, then there were hours of uncertainty: to bring (or not) the cosplay of Gakupo? At the end the ‘yes’ won, so… after an hour of “hair and makeup”, another hour stopped on the highway at Lucca South for the traffic to the fair, and a last hour for lunch, we arrived very late at the fair… And then? Then started to rain again XD There were few photographers of course, but there were several very nice cosplay … I’ve  meet some friends and another Gakupo, with the Sandplay version. My costume was a good success, especially from the ladies! But I do not really have a lot of photos!Lucca comics games 2013 stella marega ssj cosplay Because of the intermittent rain however the afternoon was a bit exhausting. We spend the evening in Montecatini (I had to take my cosplay at some point!) Anyway, on sunday morning we cranked the few photos of the previous days with a shooting at the Terme di Montecatini, a really wonderful location.
Sunday afternoon, the last glimpse of the fair: taking advantage of the costume Motoko, much more comfortable, we squeezed in some stands (non at the Games, unfortunately) and we have seen up close some setups like that of the Umbrella Corporation – in better shape than ever, this year – and provided also with an helicopter! Of course, the thing that has remained in my heart was a true DeLorean! A myth is not only my childhood but I can say of a lifetime 😉 Photos of the rite at the stand of Police (this year I also photographed the Police’s Lamborghini … considering also the used-Ferrari store in Montecatini I can say I photographed more cars Lucca comics games 2013 stella marega ssj cosplaythan cosplay). We also watched part of the cosplay contest … that longing thinking that last year I was on that stage! On Sundays, the day had to be quieter, but this year the Lucca Comic was a record: more than 200,000 visitors, not to mention more than double that did not make the ticket and were satisfied with a walk in the beautiful city.

In the evening, after a very long walk along the walls, we eat a wonderful kebab (also an evergreen) in via St. Helena, we did a poor “last minute” shopping (I took a vintage comic from Dario Argento for my boyfriend) and finally we attend to the concert of Giorgio Vanni. (Only regret: to have lost the concert of Cristina D’Avena in the previous evening!) Before go away, we went to say goodbye to the very nice and cordial owners of the bar Kristal, where for two days we spend good times (they hosted me for dressing, they have also done for us a fantastic carbonara and allowed me to connect to Facebook to post some updates thanks to wi -fi). Lucca comics games 2013 stella marega ssj cosplay

Then we started… 7 hours of highway (including 2 blocked due to a car accident) and at the end… the return to routine.
Then, nothing “special” in the end… however, Lucca has always been something magical… Lucca for me is and always will be my ” Neverland “…

ps. I should thank the blog trasmutazioni that remind me to publish this report!

Lucca comics games 2013 stella marega ssj cosplay

Before Lucca Comics…

Disclaimer: this is the post that should have been published before the Lucca Comics! Now the show has already taken place, but I wanted to show the instant of my costumes because these self-portraits seemed very nice!

Saturday 3rd November:

Carachter:   GAKUPO KAMUI

Series:          VOCALOID

Version:       Setsugetsuka

gakupo cosplay kamui vocaloid setsuketsuka flower moon stella ssj best photo costumeSunday 4th november:


Series:          GHOST IN THE SHELL

Version:        Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig

motoko kusanagi ghost in the shell cyberpunk cosplay manga anime stella ssj

…. what do you think…?

The report of Lucca Coming 2013 is arriving soon!

The Jackedup Humpday Cosplayoff

The Jackedup Humpday Cosplayoff, from Jackedup Tales is a cool showcase for the best of international cosplay. Now you can see the most gorgeous and able cosplayers with their best female carachters: Cammy, Chun Li, Poison, Jade, Kitana and many others sexy and powerful heroines of videogames!

I’m very proud to be choosed for the FIGHTING GAMES COSPLAYOFF – MIRROR MATCHES ROUND with Nebulaluben as the best Nina Williams from Tekken Tag Tournament 2:

Stella ssj Nebulaluben Nina Williams

Note that Nebulaluben is one of the most famous cosplayers of the net, and she has a lot of fans… so, what to say, is already enough for me to be in this page! This is a great acknowledgment for me!!

If you want to show your support to the page, the cosplayers, or to me (!) please take a look, vote and share! Here is the link:

Uruha cosplay @ Far East Cosplay 2013

Uruha cosplay @ Far East Cosplay 2013

The Far East Film Festival is one of the most important European events dedicated to Asian cinema, and every year it gets even a better showcase for Italian cosplay. This time at the Cosplay Contest, the cosplayer were so many and all very good and experienced! And there were hundreds of people for the event! It was nice to meet some friends and do some new knowledge! I was very proud to bring my beloved Uruha cosplay.

Photo by Christian Pellegrin

Photo by Christian Pellegrin

I supposed it had no many chances to win the contest, cause the costume was not so particular or showy, even if it’s very well done. And I can’t wear the lens as you see. (I can never wear lens, really). However, that was a difficult period for me, with work and university, so I went there just to spend a nice day, have fun and relaxing! I also cutomized my guitar and a new wig, cause I couldn’t trim my hair another time!! Styling the wig was very funny to do! I’ve always told, I should do THIS as a job! But, anyway, my preferred part was the exibition: Like Uruha, on the stage!! Unfortunately in the long hours waiting under the sun, without eating, I started to feel very bad. (You can see in the video below, I was going almost to faint! Indeed, it was really not far from this… when I think about it I kinda chill!)

Anyway, I have a nice memory of that day, and a part of this memory is made by some wonderful pictures made by some great photograpers, like the following, that I adore:

Photo by Kris

Photo by Kris

Photo by Elido

Photo by Elido

I uploaded other wonderful pictures in the category “photoset” by Paolo Vercesi (link) You should take a look, cause they are superbe!

A funny picture is this one, with the wonderful Giorgia Cosplay, the guest of honor and the presenter of the contest. I’m not looking at the camera… yeah, but the cameras were more than one, sorry!

Me with the wonderful Giogia Cosplay

Photo by Massimo Malvestio

And now some pic directly from the stage:

417798_10201012375580405_1798515272_nUruha Cosplay Udine Far East

After (or before?) the contest, with friends (Sonaka & Mistral cosplay), and another cool portrait by M. Malvestio :

321677_180985382054534_1443074041_nUruha cosplay far east21165_10152770252180693_1760476704_n383229_10201018263649398_1146951018_n

Here is the video of the whole exibition!
My part start around 1.09:

Finally, but not less important, another cool memory is this picture, made by Demis Albertacci from the guest book of his photography exibition. I was lucky. I’ve realized a photoshhot with him that day!!!! What else to write… it coming soon!


Credits: Thanks to all the photographers and the people nominated in the post, to the staff for solving all technical problems with the music file, to two friends and amazing cosplayer for their pictures: Daniela De Lorenzi Scarabello and Elena Pahor. Thanks, finally, to my love Pier for the support!! ❤

Benten cosplay @ Fumetti per Gioco

Benten cosplay @ Fumetti per Gioco 2013

Trieste, Torri d’Europa

I waited long time before upload this post for a main reason: I din’t had the pictures!

That day I arrived at last moment and I should go away immediatly, due to my job, I was very in anger, to be honest. For this reason I didn’t take many pictures. My boyfriend and many wonderful cosplayer, there, helped me a lot. I would say to them: I’ll always remember your kindess and friendship!!

The following pictures are a little dark but cool; they show the magic (and dangerous) panel I used for hide myself during the tranformation:


Stella bentenStella benten

I think it was a pretty exibition! ^__^

Stella Ssj benten cosplay fumetti per gioco

Stella ssj benten cosplay fumetti per gioco

Stella ssj benten cosplay fumetti per gioco

Stella ssj benten cosplay fumetti per gioco

And… finally… surprise! I won the first prize!!! I was so happy when I knew!!! I was at job at that moment, so I retired the (many an amazing) prizes only during the following week:

fumetti per gioco stella ssj cosplay

It was really a great experience!

Thanks to: Valentina Albanese and Giulia Faeta for help and support, they are wonderful persons beside than able cosplayer.

Thanks to: Eli e Martina Selfi for those pictures.

Thanks to the person without whom none of this would have been possible – because in addition to having managed the logistics and mixed the backing track has been on stage with me to hold me wings and set design – Thanks Pier, my love.

Uruha Cosplay

Uruha Cosplay Stella

Uruha – The Gazette – Reila PV

cosplayer: Stella ssj

photography: Normann Vauxhall

Tekken Team

My cosplay of Nina Williams debuted at Lucca Comics & Games 2012, with the fantastic Tekken Team, formed by some of the best Italian cosplayers. I have to thank Giuly Chan for invited me in this group. I am very proud to have been part of it!

Our group won the cosplay contest on Sunday, as “Best Videogame Group”.

Here’s the video of the performance on stage:

And the video from the crowd:

Third, the video shot right after we got off the stage:

Two official photos:

nina williams stella ssj tekken cosplay

nina williams stella ssj tekken cosplay

And here more photos of the day:

nina williams stella ssj tekken cosplay

nina williams

…on stage:

nina williams stella ssj tekken cosplay

nina williams stella ssj tekken cosplay

nina williams stella ssj tekken cosplay

…and the winner is…

nina williams stella ssj tekken cosplay


I think at last we deserve it! These are some precious memories of that day:

win nina williams stella ssj tekken cosplay

It was an amazing, funny and unforgettable experience!!
Get ready for the next battle!!

*credits: thanks to: dark7zr, piccoloct, rinoa heartilly, cosvideos and to the others photographers.

W.I.P. 2 – Nina Williams TTT2 !

Here I am! Having already written a post on how to color the lycra: now I will try to explain the main steps for the realization of the costume of Nina Williams.
The first choice to make, as in many other cases, is the image to be referenced. The costume is the same for Nina Williams in: Tekken 5, Tekken 6 and Tekken Tag Tournament 2. The fundamental difference is between the images of the game and the official images (promotional, wallpapers etc):

800px-NinaAnnaIntronina williams

             In the videogame:

  • – The bottom is strong gray and strong cyan
    – The camouflage design on the chest is symmetrical
    – Boots are from violet to gray
  • – Knee pads are gray


… there are different immages…

2581592e179_61317114_o2             In the official images:

– The background is a very pale blue
– The camouflage design on the chest is asymmetrical
– The boots are from blue to iridescent lilac
– Knee pads are purple.

     I chose a compromise in order to make a costume that is instantly recognizable and similar to both. I finally based on official image, I darkened the background of the camouflage, realizing it blue, and boots, realizing them gray. I think it’s a good one!

Once you have decided on the color, we proceed to the purchase! Just to start.. two photos of the stores:


But this was the sector I deserve (blue, cyan, gray.. not easy to choose truly):


Here are some fabrics I’ve bought, buckles, bands and studs:



The first fabric on which I started to work on was the cyan lycra. After making the pattern, and fixed them at the various parts of the lycra, I’ve cut them:


So I’ve finally painting! Strongly advised not to paint the lycra after having already sewn! The color pierces the fabric and may stain all your work! Honestly to paint all the pieces, let them dry, go over some parts to get the desired tone, it took me a couple of days. This is not a job you do in half an hour..


Once painted and passed with an iron to set the color, you can begin assembly..


The camouflage is joined to purple to make the base of the catsuit (note that the color are very different according to the light of the moment)


The gray lycra is used to create the false boots (and for cover the true boots..) in the picture the work is not yet finished, as you can see. The work on the shoes is very hard if you don’t have a model to use!

blog 12blog11

The gray metallic lycra is used to create the bumpers, which are sewn at the end over the rest:


This was the result of the shoes and the bumpers (I really like them!):


Finally you can add the leather strings. (This ia really the last part, cause you have to fix them with great precision when the costume is almost finished.. but you have to do some attempts also to see how much leather strings do you need):


With the same leather strings, I’ve realize the support for the knife:

blog18 as you can see it took a long work..

Truly, is not easy to explain all the steps, and above all you do not always have the time to do a lot of pictures while you are working. And then .. all cosplayers have some secrets they want to keep tight! I’d like to make another post to show the details that I have not photographed yet, as the straps on the sleeves and over the shoes, the closures on the back, and some details of the accessories, such as the knife and knee pads. But there is no two without three, then sooner or later it will write again another post. Stay tuned. For now, the final frame of a work in progress was this .. I was too happy when I finally wore the costume almost finished:

next battle

Hope you like it!! Bye!

Benten – Best Photos @ Lucca Comics

stella ssj benten zone 00 cosplay lucca

Photo by: Doriano

stella ssj benten zone 00 cosplay lucca

photo by: Francesco Gomellini

stella ssj benten zone 00 cosplay lucca

photo by: Gianluca Bia

stella ssj benten zone 00 cosplay lucca

photo by: Alberto Bolognesi

benten stella ssj

photo by Pier

These are some of my favourite pictures taken at Lucca Comics & Games. Is an hard work to wear this costume (expecially in November) but I’m so proud of it. I really would like to say thanks to all the photographers, the people who talk with me, the new and old friends and the (few) Benten fans who makes me glad to wear this costume again.

Lucca Comics & Games 2012 – The videos

October was for me one of the most challenging months of this year.
I presented a project for a major photo contest (fingers crossed for the results), I worked hard for a conference on the Japanese manga (, and at the same time I made a new costume for Nina Williams Lucca Cosplay Contest. (All this in addition to my regular job!) Until now I was then unable to update this blog, but what to say… this year Lucca Comics and Games was absolutely awesome!!! I came back since a week, and despite the many new commitments would like to give at least an idea of the fair to those who were not. And I should write a lot! So while I collect ideas, I suggest you take a look at these nice videos if you want to know what really happened to the largest and most amazing exhibition of comics in Italy (and for sure one of most beautiful in the world):

First day:

Second day:

Third day:

Fourth day:

And the nights:

So… what do you think about it?

Nina Williams W.I.P. 1 – camouflge!

The summer holidays are over! From today I started work on my new cosplay: Nina Williams – Tekken 6 version. Found that the most difficult part will be the camouflage fabric (which does not exist on the market), I immediately started with this.
1. Choosing colors for fabric (note the shelves a bit empty ..) I wanted to take just a few to try:

2. First materials: fabric colors “Setacolor”, Parma Violet and Royal Blue, Brush, 2 remnants (a cotton purple, and a pale lilac lycra). I need the gray in the background but for now I only have these then let’s do a test! :

3. First test drawing color:

4. End of test: the background should be gray and I think I’ll have to practice a little bit more!

That’s all for today! Now I will share the patterns of camouflage cloth and then I will take the amount of gray lycra necessary. Ah, I also found his boots fit but I still have not taken .. (I would like a few inches of heel more!)

I do not understand why today wordpress upload the photos crooked .. but no matter!
I will conclude with the quote of the day: “It’s a long way to the top.. (if you wanna rock’ n ‘roll)” XD

Tekken Unlimited Art

The artists Tomio Fujisawa, Junny, and Shunya Yamashita, created a new wonderful version for the carachters of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Unlimited. Since Nina Williams is one of my past (and next!) cosplay, here I’ve post the new artworks of the for every artist. There is no much else to write here.. only to admire them!

Tomio Fujisawa:




Shunya Yamashita:


thanX to:

Giuly Chan for the inspiration for this post! And good luck for her next cosplay! Maybe one of these Nina will be mine.. tournament-2-unlimited-art-gallery < here you can find all the characters!!

The Kitty and the Bulldog

When a lolita meets a punk..
Oh, yes! I was in London again last week. And I found a lot of new inspirations… I think that I’ve also found something intersting for the japanlovers and the readers of this blog! ^_^
I wrote a post for the blog and here is the english translation (more or less!)
Tokyo and London for decades had the primacy as world capitals of new trends of fashion and design. And the word that better than any other identifies the area where these two cities are certainly the avanguard is the Anglo-Saxon binomial “street-fashion”. The latest trends of clothing and look renew themselves every day in the most exciting quarters of the globe: from Shibuya to Soho, from Harajuku to Camden Town, from Ginga to the East Block. There, fashion spread spontaneously even before that designers will be able to translate it into haute couture pieces that will bounce with continuous references and excerpts… from catwalks, to showcases, back to the road.
In this way, the yung people, in Tokyo such as in London,, were able to merge together “the Kitty and the Bulldog”: kawaii style of Lolita and aggressive look of Punk, the kimono and the tartan. Rock groups, cult movies, famous designers such as Vivienne Westwood or the new talent Takuya Angel are a source of inspiration and a mirror of these trends.
To this interesting subject of references and influences of british style in Japanese fashion, the Victoria & Albert Museum dedicates an exhibition open from May 23rd, 2012 until January 27th, 2013.
The exhibits are some extravagant complete outfits, recent acquisition of the Museum intended to enrich the (already substantial) permanent collection of Toshiba Gallery. It is named the number 45 of the huge Museum – something like 11 miles of tunnels located on 4 floors, which collects numerous spectacular art artifacts, such as: armor, ceramics, textiles, prints, lacquer and decoration, all objects of Japanese origin.
The outfits are created by the most innovative Japanese signatures and represent faithfully a wide variety of contemporary trends of street style. Detailed explanatory panels will tell the story and sources of inspiration.
The exceptionality of the exhibition “Kitty and the Bulldog” is all in her News: perhaps a bit unexpected for those who have a very traditional idea of what “a museum” should be, but entirely consistent with the spirit that from 1852 made the Victoria & Albert Museum one of the most extensive, complete and amazing collections of art and design in the world.
Full details on the Museum’s website:
Here is the outfit on display:
Mamechiyo Modern:
Takuya Angel:
Sixh, and MINT Neko:
Alice Auaa:
Alice and the Pirates:
Baby, The Stars Shine Bright:
Innocent World:
You can find more and more (and all this wonderful pictures) on:
In the weekend after my visit, 113 lolitas were at the Museum to see our Kitty and the Bulldog display! you can find the photos of the meeting in the V&A facebook page: